Friday, June 17, 2011


As I happen to have one, combined with the fact that I am well-acquainted with many others who have the same injury and further compounded by all of the information and observations which came from my graduate program of rehabilitation counseling, I feel completely free to make a few honest, medically-based observations on the lives and customs of people with traumatic brain injuries. Please notice that I did not stop after the term "medical." As I have never studied medicine, the facts upon which I rely are not documented and untested. However, "it is what it is" and I perceive it to be wise that people believe me. Many people give the medical community exclusive authority to advise on neurological disabilities like mine, but, in twenty years with this, I have found that even (or often, "since") studying the facts for YEARS, many medical professional have and exhibit inadequate protocal, when it comes treating my people...persons with traumatic brain injuries.

Honestly, most people do their best and we definitely have a tendency to wear on peoples' nerves, but my disability has done lots to change my perceptions and judgements, including my awareness on loss and human decency. To begin with, most are fairly unaware of the basic definition of a traumatic brain injury.

First of all, I do not want to persecute anyone...especially caretakers. As a forty year-old adult, I am mindful of all of my constitutional rights and am well-aware of anyone's attempt to inhibit those or take them away. I have never been institutionalized nor has anyone (except my parents) reigned over me or controlled my life, but I have seen this happen to folks like me on numerous occassions. Sometimes, authority is necessary as we have brain injuries. These

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